Benedict Quartey
benedict_quartey at brown dot edu

I am a computer science PhD student advised by Professor George Konidaris in the Intelligent Robot Lab at Brown University.

My research lies at the intersection of language, perception, and robotics. I aim to equip robots with general-purpose intelligence to understand instructions, build predictive models, and reuse prior computation to solve multiple tasks in unstructured environments.

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Verifiably Following Complex Robot Instructions with Foundation Models

Benedict Quartey*, Eric Rosen*, Stefanie Tellex, George Konidaris
Arxiv Preprint
Website  •   ArXiv   •   Poster

TL;DR: A novel approach that enables robots to verifiably follow expressive and complex open-ended mobile manipulation instructions in real-world environments without prebuilt semantic maps.

Exploiting Contextual Structure to Generate Useful Auxiliary Tasks

Benedict Quartey, Ankit Shah, George Konidaris
NeurIPS Workshop on Generalization in Planning, December 2023
Paper  •   Extended Poster

TL;DR: A framework for multi-task learning that enables off-policy reinforcement learning agents to maximally reuse experience collected while training on single long-horizon tasks.

Affordable Modular Autonomous Vehicle Development Platform

Benedict Quartey, Ayorkor Korsah
IEEE 7th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST), 2018
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